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Oops, no "submit" wasn't well tested obviously. Dumb! I was always selecting an item from the autocomplete.

SEO + filter, good ideas, will do.

reversed mapping: it does try to do this a little, can you describe what didn't work for you? For example, "str.lstrip" as Python->PHP doesn't have the exact answer, but does look in the other direction and you get a suggestion.

So I just entered len() for PHP's sizeof(), and when I searched the other way, I got a suggestion...

But I am pretty sure that when I searched strip in PHP, nothing came up. I don't remember if I clicked a suggestion item or I selected a language from the second dropdown. That might be the problem, since I think you're mapping string.strip() to trim(), and not strip() to trim(), which is understandable :) Maybe a LIKE %% search instead of =?

Ah, that's probably it. Thanks, I'll look into it more carefully.

Hi scott!

I thought a little bit more about the SEO part and I think the best thing to do would be to drop the Ajax which loads the similar functions and go with simple GET requests, which will give you a nice url and possibilities to treat it as directories.

For example, submitting PHP's trim in Python should load this url:


Loading http://www.transmoggit.com/php/trim/

Would show trim() in every target language.

Loading http://www.transmoggit.com/php/

Would show the list of functions, maybe with the languages that you have the alternative.

Loading http://www.transmoggit.com/trim/python/

Would show the equivalent on "from" languages.

I don't know how much serious you're about this project :) I really think it can make you some money, maybe not enough to make you quit your EA job :) but certainly some to help pay the bills.

I also don't know how much SEO you know, but basically you need to think what content your webpage should have to answer typicals queries on your market. For example:

q: trim python

- Put "trim in python" on http://www.transmoggit.com/trim/python/ on the title, and a H1.

q: python remove whitespace

This is what I've used a couple times, many moons ago, when "python trim" didn't return good results.

You can answer this query, if on your http://www.transmoggit.com/trim/python/ page, you list excerpts of the manual of the "from" languages. Upon loading /trim/python/, you select the from languages, its functions where you know the similarity, and show something like:

<ul> <li> <h2>C#</h2> <p>transmoggit doesn't know how <a href="/c#/trim/python/">C#'s trim in Python</a></p> </li> <li> <h2>PHP</h2> <p><a href="/php/trim/python/">PHP's trim in Python</a> is <a href="python_manual_for_string.strip</a>.</p> <p>Here is PHP's manual definition for trim:</p> <p>This function returns a string with whitespace stripped from the beginning and end of str . Without the second parameter...</p> </li> </ul>

I know that's a lot of stuff! But you seem to have experience with software development... then you know software it's always 90% complete :)

Good luck!

Hey inerte

Thanks for all your suggestions. I'm not too knowledgeable in all-things-SEO, but this all sounds reasonable. (The anal-retentive programmer in me doesn't like the vagueness in the method name.. what if there's a language called trim? :) but something along those lines makes sense. I remember reading that /php-trim-python was recommended for urls (vs php_trim_python or something). Is there a consensus on whether dir/ecto/ries are better or worse than hyphens?

The only thing I'm not sure about, is that I want to make sure the main user experience of looking up one function is as fast as possible. I thought it would be a bit faster to not have the search redirect to another page. On the other hand, google.com is obviously "fast", so maybe it doesn't matter too much.

I don't personally think it's a money maker, my general feeling is that programmers are too "tech-savvy" to click on many ads. But who knows, I guess. Either way, I'm just doing it because it's fun, and somewhat useful for me. I love my "real" job anyway, so, not really looking to quit. :)

Thanks again for all the feedback, scott

Dashes vs. underscores are different because search engines see dashes as spaces, so /my-cool-blog is actually /my cool blog while /my_cool_blog is /my_cool_blog (a single word :)

Here's a page where Matt Cutts, head of Webspam on Google, explain: http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/dashes-vs-underscores/ Several other people working with SEO have come independently with this observation. And I am pretty sure I've seen a page from an Yahoo guy saying the same thing (but can't find right now).

dir/ecto/ries are used to divide content into "sections". One good example is:

/news/sports/basketball - News about basketball

/news/sports - Sports news

/news - All news

So you can have /news/politics and /news/economy too.

While if you do:

/news-sports-basketball it doesn't look like the division is there. Think a few years ago, when url mapping/rewrite wasn't much used. The / character was a actual physical folder/directory on the machine. Therefore, if you were a search engine, you would assume that everything under /news/sports/basketball falls into a "cluster" of related content. You would think that probably /news/sports/basketball/1 and /news/sports/basketball/2 are related.

Programmers don't click ads, FACT. Maybe programmers looking for travel information ;) but not researching for (usually) work related stuff. My HTF post got over 3k hits in 2 days. I really can't tell for sure, but I don't think there was a single click on my ads. Maybe one click, actually. The situation is worsened because the hn crowd is not simple programmers, we live and breath the net. So we're ad blind. The poor guy coding Java on a consulting gig on a branch of a financial firm, while he is more ad-blind than soccer moms, it's not something you can base your income (at least not only Adsense).

Now, I didn't optimize my ad placement, so I could do better. But from a ~0.70% CTR on my main domain to almost zero... that's quite a lot.

Of course, while programmers are generally ad-blind, it all depends. For example, selling .NET books on a .NET oriented website works...

While I agree that looking for a function on transmoggit is fast because of Ajax, people have to know about transmoggit first :) And the truth is, depending on your market and your brand, 60% to 100% of your visitors will come from search engines. Sure, after a while, you'll start to get referrals, but how did the person who linked to you found the page? Using search engines.

Don't see SEO as a way to trick the search engines ;) I know there's a lot of bad karma around its practices, but if you think that by applying SEO to your pages, you're just making easier for people to find your content, then you'll be happy to do it.

I don't know if you can ask around EA for its website statistics. I am pretty sure you'll see that >75% of its visitors come from search engines, even on obvious cases People type the domain name on search engines, for fsck's sake. Or what could actually just be the domain name if they followed with .com (searching for Youtube to go to... youtube.com).

There's actually some very good explanations for this behaviour, for example if I want to see the webpage for the Dead Space game, I don't have to guess if it is deadspace.com, deadspacegame.com, deadspace.ea.com, deadspace.games.ea.com, etc... Typing "dead space game" on Google is 100% more effective.

I am talking too much :) And I don't want to complicate things further to you. But just make it easier for people to find the webpages :)

Thanks for all the info, much appreciated. On the off chance you see this old thread, the "category"-type links from a few posts above are implemented now. I'm not sure if it'll help people find the pages, but I'll find out soon enough I guess. :)

The best type of ad that came to mind was a programming-job-ad, since that would be very targeted and possibly useful, but I suppose Joel and 37s have that market covered pretty well.

Haven't fixed all the UI bugs people noticed or added too much more data/languages yet... next weekend I guess. :/

Hey scott, I click my own comments link here on HN regularly :p

Yeah, just saw "categories" http://www.transmoggit.com/PHP/trim/Python

If you go to Google and type "site:www.transmoggit.com" you'll see what pages it has indexed. I just did and there's no "sub-page" indexed, just your domain name... but this is normal! In my experince, Google will show the domain index first and other pages in 1-2 weeks.

And since sometimes the pages Google shows are different between its datacenters, here's something that I use to see among them all:


About Job ads, I don't remember the company name, but I did see someone who works with a referral program. You show their ads, and if it works, you get paid.

But anyway, if your site gets somewhat popular, you can ask for a lower price than Joel and 37s. If companies have to pay $250/$350 to ad on these sites, a $10 fee on yours will be an impulse buy :) And you can always raise the price if it works...

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