It is possible that a better future tablet would have good enough programming tools - it will be fun to wait and see.
I got rid of all three of my desktop systems (1 Mac, 2 dual Linux/Windows boxes) a few years ago. I don't plan on buying any more Apple gear, but will use what I have until it needs to be replaced: MacBook Pro running Ubuntu, Air 13', a Toshiba laptop Linux/Windows, and a iPad 2. My wife and I live in a very small house in the mountains and not having as much computer clutter is great.
The biggest recent technological change in my work/life mix has been the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy III S super sized phone (1280x720 screen resolution). I am amazed by how much I use this device: for just about everything but coding and writing. I do most of my programming in Ruby and Clojure so I don't need much horsepower on my development systems so I can imagine a future where a more powerful phone with a docking station might cover most of my work, writing, and entertainment needs: skip the tablet!
All that said, I am likely to purchase a Surface when they are released and the early adopter bugs are ironed out. I used to have fun bashing Microsoft but there are a few things that have softened my view: Bill and Melinda Gate's good works for making the world better, the fact that the surface would fit my needs, and I still have pleasant memories of writing a Windows 1.03 app (the SAIC ANSim neural network tools that had a nice UI for managing training, etc.)
I got rid of all three of my desktop systems (1 Mac, 2 dual Linux/Windows boxes) a few years ago. I don't plan on buying any more Apple gear, but will use what I have until it needs to be replaced: MacBook Pro running Ubuntu, Air 13', a Toshiba laptop Linux/Windows, and a iPad 2. My wife and I live in a very small house in the mountains and not having as much computer clutter is great.
The biggest recent technological change in my work/life mix has been the purchase of a Samsung Galaxy III S super sized phone (1280x720 screen resolution). I am amazed by how much I use this device: for just about everything but coding and writing. I do most of my programming in Ruby and Clojure so I don't need much horsepower on my development systems so I can imagine a future where a more powerful phone with a docking station might cover most of my work, writing, and entertainment needs: skip the tablet!
All that said, I am likely to purchase a Surface when they are released and the early adopter bugs are ironed out. I used to have fun bashing Microsoft but there are a few things that have softened my view: Bill and Melinda Gate's good works for making the world better, the fact that the surface would fit my needs, and I still have pleasant memories of writing a Windows 1.03 app (the SAIC ANSim neural network tools that had a nice UI for managing training, etc.)