Almost certainly substantially less than iOS users, which I suppose is the point you were going for, but I think that whole rabbit hole is a red herring.
The model of "sell apps to people for money" no longer works. We've depleted that gold mine (or vespene geyser, if you will). The only people who are having any fun on mobiles right now are services with mobile portals (think Yelp, AirBnb, eBay, etc) and sketchier-than-not "social gaming" apps.
iOS and Android app-buying behaviour seems to be converging.
In 2011, 39% of iOS users had more than 20 paid apps. In 2012 that has dropped to 26%, while Android has climbed to 19%[1].
Additionally, "When it comes to paid-app refusers Android and Apple are now almost identical, with 6% of iPhone users and 7% of Android users having never spent money on an app."