>Firefox and Chrome command 91% of the market ... This is a perfect example of where knowing your audience is key and blanket statements made on a global scale are frequently irrelevant.
Just in case you fall into a premature delusion: If you market to Europe or Asia at all:
Asia and Europe beg to differ with their 25%+ IE ratios. Sometimes you can't "know your market". Google didn't market orkut to any region but by some freak chance of nature it became the social network in Brazil. Many times, you can't know who will use your product until they do.
Will you find buyers for your product in Asia or Europe? Considering the number of people who live there, probably.
p.s. One thing that bothers me about statcounter is that there are no absolute sample sizes specified so for all you know, the data could be based on 100 people.
Just in case you fall into a premature delusion: If you market to Europe or Asia at all:
http://gs.statcounter.com/#browser-eu-monthly-201108-201208-... http://gs.statcounter.com/#browser-as-monthly-201108-201208-...
Asia and Europe beg to differ with their 25%+ IE ratios. Sometimes you can't "know your market". Google didn't market orkut to any region but by some freak chance of nature it became the social network in Brazil. Many times, you can't know who will use your product until they do.
Will you find buyers for your product in Asia or Europe? Considering the number of people who live there, probably.
p.s. One thing that bothers me about statcounter is that there are no absolute sample sizes specified so for all you know, the data could be based on 100 people.