Outsiders often have a valuable viewpoint on other groups, because they are not emotionally invested.
Bush was always ridiculed and seen as stupid in German media. The US should be proud that Obama is seen as intelligent and that his word carries weight. (And Romney had a bad start with his remarks in the UK about the Olympics.)
I also remember the doomsday mood 2008 about the economy. It bordered somewhat on the brink of a depression. I think the administration handled that very well! And as practically every other industrialized country has universal health care the struggle in the US about that is baffling. On the other side the Republicans were obstructing so much important stuff! I remember the shenanigans about the debt ceiling. I wish they would be punished with an election loss for their irresponsibility to the world and the American nation.
>> Outsiders often have a valuable viewpoint on other groups, because they are not emotionally invested.\
I wasn't discounting outsider's opinions, I've traveled the world several times, America is great because we are all outsiders. I was addressing the nature of his comment which sounded to me like he was intending to represent all Europeans, rather than a European expressing his view.
Bush should have acted sooner to restrict the door Clinton opened which allowed many people to get loans who had not the finances nor shown the responsibility to own a home.
If common sense regulation should be required of big banks and "wall street"; then we should require it of ourselves as individuals.
A 78% stock market rally, US unemployment dropping from 11% to 8.2% and record corporate profits are a failure? Or is there something else you don't like about Obama?
He isn't a leader, he's a facilitator. The job of President of the United States of America requires a leader. Is there something else I don't like? Nope. He's a likable, smart, very charismatic guy with little business experience.
Is there something else that you're suggesting you think or want to think that I don't like about him?
Your comment is maybe from a European with your own viewpoint.