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Free 2 day Berkeley "big data" class this week (ampcamp.berkeley.edu)
95 points by pwendell on Aug 19, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments

The piazza forum is for berkeley.edu email addresses only; that's a shame, I would have liked to participate.

We'll invite everyone who fills out the form to Piazza.

Will this be available afterwards for download? I cannot possibly make these times having a full time job and living in the right side of the pond.

"If you miss any live or in-person event, you can return to this site to find archives of all materials."

So yes.

Ya thanks we didn't have this before... all exercises and videos will be archived on the site.

Heh, that wasn't there this morning :-)


The classes will be live streamed. I don't think there are any more "free" seats left.

Live stream includes all tutorials, Piazza forum enrollment, etc. So identical to being there, save the trip to Berkeley and free soda.

Can the videos be made available after hours? I'm not able to get time away from work those 2 days. thanks

Yep, videos and exercises will be archived for posterity. Will take a few days to get them posted.

The registration form doesn't seem to have a submit button...

just some poor design. Scroll down maybe?


props to berkeley. Go Cardinal though!

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