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This is a good point. To play a little off your blog post, a person new to Ruby could view the second line of code more as an idiomatic expression (which it's not really, but it can have the appearance of being one) in that it doesn't make obvious logical sense and is harder to translate to a more familiar language...giving a "raising ravens" (Spanish) vs. "can of worms" (English) scenario.

I think it'd be kinda cool if one could develop sort of a "ruby-normal-form" that could take some ruby expressions and translate them into a more normalized form using things like for-loops, etc....granted normalizing a lot of ruby code might be hard, intractable, or maybe even impossible.

If it threw in explicit returns at the end of each method and added back in all the optional parentheses, you'd be close to the average "Ruby code written by people who don't know Ruby that well" codebases you see in the wild so often.

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