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Well remember, I'm not against .each at all. I'm against it as a first looping construct for beginners. I even start people off in my book by sneaking in functional programming, again because it's easier to teach. They even write a game that is basically one giant sequence of mostly tail calls without knowing it.

Right, I think where people have to get over themselves is that teaching something is often very different from using something. When I was being trained as a chemist, I was started with techniques that were over 150 years old, and that no one in their right mind would use in a professional lab (you really think chemists do tedious titrations when you can buy a pH meter that's 10x more accurate?).

In other words: programmers don't understand pedagogy. Nothing really new there.

I've very much enjoyed the books though...went back and did "Learn C the Hard Way" even though I've been using C for almost 18 years. Can't wait to read "Learn Clojure the Hard Way"... ;-)

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