Sure, if I were publishing a public API I'd want to document the functions available, but the fact is, the vast majority of the code we write at my shop is not consumed outside our own codebase. Why duplicate the effort of writing documentation when everyone has access to the code? There is no benefit for us so we don't do it. We made that decision and it's the right one for us. Sure, you have a different situation and I'm sure using comments has helped and empowered your developers, but for us it makes no sense and is a waste of time.
I'd suggest you stop trying to tell the world that senior developers must conform to your narrow views (narrow, by the sheer size of the response against your point of view here). Calling people things like "lazy" and insinuating they inflate their own abilities simply because they don't do what you think they should do is a pretty trollish thing to do. You obviously missed the first point in the original link.
I'd suggest you stop trying to tell the world that senior developers must conform to your narrow views (narrow, by the sheer size of the response against your point of view here). Calling people things like "lazy" and insinuating they inflate their own abilities simply because they don't do what you think they should do is a pretty trollish thing to do. You obviously missed the first point in the original link.