To be fair, he did write a book on programming languages and he knows a lot about the subject. He might troll a little but IMO it's always enlightened trolling.
In this case, he points out a corner case that the Haskell community already knew about. But I, a beginner haskeller, didn't.
It's a much higher level of discourse than the typical "Haskell is {only for academics, not suitable for applications that need to handle mutable state, right-wing}" that people like to throw around.
In this case, he points out a corner case that the Haskell community already knew about. But I, a beginner haskeller, didn't.
It's a much higher level of discourse than the typical "Haskell is {only for academics, not suitable for applications that need to handle mutable state, right-wing}" that people like to throw around.