Now it is, before it was not. And that is exactly my point in my reply: you cannot take whatever you call "SPDY" at the moment (implementations + wiki pages) and call it "HTTP 2". You need to document it, propose it, discuss it openly, accept criticism, fixes and, if needed, radical changes. This is what is happening now in the HTTPbis working group and is a good thing, but it is not going to be a rubber-stamping process for SPDY as it is now, I hope.
Now it is, before it was not. And that is exactly my point in my reply: you cannot take whatever you call "SPDY" at the moment (implementations + wiki pages) and call it "HTTP 2". You need to document it, propose it, discuss it openly, accept criticism, fixes and, if needed, radical changes. This is what is happening now in the HTTPbis working group and is a good thing, but it is not going to be a rubber-stamping process for SPDY as it is now, I hope.