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> Maps: Seriously? I'm not even going to bother linking to the Google Maps API

There is a reason many have transitioned to OSM based data and tile hosting services: price. The Google Maps API is no longer the "no-brainer" that it once was among developers.

Google charges the most for maps because they have the best service.

And generally speaking, I don't think competing on price is a great strategy for turning the company around. The OSM map services will have a big price advantage because all of their data is free, even though it's not as good as Google's. And if Yahoo enhances the data, or gets their own data and tries to charge a premium, then they're back to where they are now trying to compete with Google...

I'm not saying they can't make a better service for cheaper, but their focus should be on making a great map service, not on cutting the price.

Google drastically cut back on the price increase. It isn't so bad anymore.

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