From what I can tell, there is a "Fast" playlist and a "Faster" playlist of music (which you've selected) to listen to when working, because the songs are upbeat I presume. So the play button plays the music, and do the Fast/Faster buttons switch between the two lists?
I'm assuming this is BPM, if you want something a bit harder. IMO needs an option for ambient/downtempo stuff I personally find it hard to get stuff done to dance music.
I love this! The only missing is a mini-player theme, like this Chrome app mock-up: Clicking on the album cover would pop-up all of the album specific stuff, clicking on the (i) would give you all the "static" stuff.
From what I can tell, there is a "Fast" playlist and a "Faster" playlist of music (which you've selected) to listen to when working, because the songs are upbeat I presume. So the play button plays the music, and do the Fast/Faster buttons switch between the two lists?
Or is that not it at all?