What kind of natural treatments? Because tuberculosis has been a massive problem from the start of human civilization up until the advent of antibiotics, and they tried every natural medicine and treatment under the sun because of how long people can end up living with it before dieing, and they accomplished pretty much nothing in stopping it. In fact it continued to get worse throughout that entire time, at one point being the cause of death for 25% of Europeans.
I'm not going to devote the time required to search, retrieve and cite extent material. But you will find results if you do, but probably no panacea. Also, I deliberately don't mention specifics in this instance (and many others) due to potentially and probable controversy. As an example, if I were to (but won't!) cite research indicating the universally reviled Ag showing efficacy in mitigating TB, I'd be attacked by waves of hostility as if it was my own rogue idea.
I enjoy discussions, but find it often tends to be argumentative here, so I avoid things I expect to go in that direction. Note the hostility to my use of the forbidden word in quotes. It's a thousand cuts with these kinds of compulsive prison shanks of logic that makes me awkward.