I've been working on exactly this. Great to know there's some demand for it.
It's now my daily driver for web access. It monitors for content I'm interested in (that's how I found your comment), handles all my searches and feeds, can dynamically adapt its interface, and is working on integrations to submit content for me so that I don't have to leave that interface to write these replies.
Hoping to release it early March but I'm a bit stuck on how to position it. I'm not a marketer and I think it'll just get drowned in the sea of "agent" slop.
Having a full-on buffer between yourself and the internet is a breath of fresh air but I have no idea how I would have found such a thing if I hadn't made it.
Maybe a curator or a bouncer or something. Open to suggestions if anyone has some.
A browser extension? Mega-awesome AI Adblock is like the best possible thing that could happen to the Internet right now and that seems to be good player for the cassette.
Is there a GitHub or Discord or anything where I subscribe to the project?
This sounds great. In a sea of paid ad placements and algo-recommended content, it’s hard to “surf the web” like I did in the early 2000s. It was a challenge to sit on googles homepage and think to myself “Hmm, what do I want to look up today?”. It required forethought of what I wanted to be served for content, and I always received proper content back to me after a search.
Anything that gets me closer to that original intention requirement before getting served content is a must-have in my books! Sign me up!
It's now my daily driver for web access. It monitors for content I'm interested in (that's how I found your comment), handles all my searches and feeds, can dynamically adapt its interface, and is working on integrations to submit content for me so that I don't have to leave that interface to write these replies.
Hoping to release it early March but I'm a bit stuck on how to position it. I'm not a marketer and I think it'll just get drowned in the sea of "agent" slop.
Having a full-on buffer between yourself and the internet is a breath of fresh air but I have no idea how I would have found such a thing if I hadn't made it.
Maybe a curator or a bouncer or something. Open to suggestions if anyone has some.