I also haven’t touched CS 1.6 for 15-16 years, it will be cool to try it. Is it possible to run it on Mac M1 or I need a VM? Also, can you recommend any resources where I can read how to setup and configure bots? TY!
I've been using this to play TF2 Classic on my M3 MBP and it works perfectly. I had some freezing-while-sound-skips-endlessly issues when using the voice chat hotkey, but that was resolved using WineTricks (built in to Whisky UI) to install `dsound`.
e: And I also had to disable macOS's default keyboard layout switching shortcuts (which I never use anyway) since I kept triggering it while crouch-jumping lol
Back in the days on lan parties there was what we called "the russian version" that only had question marks in the installation dialog (Because of unsupported fonts most likely) which had Z-Bot included.