Well, fred could determine what the worth of his time is -- which obviously is not $5.
>>The problem is it really doesn't solve any problem for Fred. He will still get a shitload of email.
Yes, but if he redirects all unsolicited, inbound requests through such a service, then it might make a small dent in his inbox (how small/big hard to say, but even if it is a 1-5% improvement, its huge).
"redirects all unsolicited, inbound requests through such a service"
How does he determine that the mail is "unsolicited" exactly? His email address is already out there in a zillion places. What do you suggest he do email everyone who has his email address and reject all mail to the old address? Or that he create a white list? Not going to happen it would take to much time to set that up from scratch.
mention to his audience that he will entertain unsolicited inbound mail only through such a service (not guaranteeing a response, but higher probablity that he will read). he of course cant go removing his email from all the existing places, but instead going fwd try to use such a service as his incoming channel for unsolicited, inbound msgs.