They want to make money just like you do and they will do what they are incentivized to. You can't expect them to give you money just out of the goodness of their heart.
Professional software developers work for the customers that pay them. Doing free work isn't a sustainable businesses model, not for anyone.
It's not about routing money or funding a foundation/hobby.
If they're not paying you then they're not your customer and you don't owe them anything.
Professionals build products. Don't waste time/money building anything but the best possible product. The best product creates the most value for users and customers pay for that value. This functions like a corporate tax on profit.
Software has zero marginal cost which let's people who aren't generating much if any economic value benefit. It's nice but it's not a business.
Everyone benefits from a healthy ecosystem where developers are paid and build products that end enriching the public domain sooner or later. Align your incentives with your paying customers and you will prosper.