You may want to update your understanding of PHP and Go's speed . Both of your estimates are off by a couple orders of magnitude on commodity hardware. There are also numerous ways to make PHP extremely fast today (e.g. swoole, ngx_php, or frankenphp) instead of the 1999 best practice of apache with mod_php.
What you're talking about is generally not considered production-ready. While you can use these tools you will almost certainly run into problems. I know this because as an active PHP developer for over a decade I'm very much paying attention to that field of PHP.
What we see here is a classic case of benchmarks saying one thing when the reality of production code says something else.
Also, I used go as a generic example of compiled languages. But what we see is production-grade Go languages outperforming non-production-ready experimental PHP tooling.
You may want to update your understanding of PHP and Go's speed . Both of your estimates are off by a couple orders of magnitude on commodity hardware. There are also numerous ways to make PHP extremely fast today (e.g. swoole, ngx_php, or frankenphp) instead of the 1999 best practice of apache with mod_php.
Go is absolutely an excellent choice, but your opinion on PHP is quite dated. Here are benchmarks for numerous Go (green) and PHP (blue) web frameworks: