His actions could reasonably be characterized as motivated for deep care for others, and that includes not just his work on popularizing electric cars and giving humanity better internet connectivity via StarLink, but also his political activism. Of course of all of this is subjective, which is all the more reason to not pretend your view of compassion is the objective irrefutable truth.
My "view of compassion" is the literal definition of the word, yours is deciding that a robber baron with sufficiently sci-fi justifications for union-busting is somehow a compassionate person.
The entire premise of your position is that 1. Successful entrepreneurs are exploiting people, i.e. are robber barons, and 2. being for union-enforced labor relations is compassion, both of which are highly contentious claims that are in no way linked to the conventional definition of "compassion". You're trying to gaslight people with this nonsense, which is typical.