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Norvig: How to write a spelling corrector (norvig.com)
63 points by mk on Aug 15, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

I've decided that what is amazing about Norvig is that he is skilled in both theory and practice. A maker and a thinker.

Slightly OT: those who enjoyed Norvig's PAIP but wanted more AI content will enjoy Forbus and de Kleer's Building Problem Solvers. Starts out on the same subject matter as PAIP but spends a lot of time talking about truth maintenance system.

The code is in Common Lisp.

It's old-style symbolic AI which is fairly limited in its utility, but truth maintenance systems have interesting applications in natural language processing and and other domains, so, whatever.

If you want more AI, there is always AIMA.

I swear this is a dupe.... did the already submitted articles list get reset when we turned into "hacker news"?

A lot of submissions were probably not considered seriously due to the previous narrow scope of this forum.

Maybe the already submitted articles list should be reset.

Maybe it's a dupe, I know I've read this one as well. Honestly though, norvig.com is a terrific site. He writes very well and I haven't read all of it yet. Here are my favorites so far:



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