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> What makes the "agents"

As most people understand them, a lot of marketing and imagination. There's some fairly dense theory on the underlying concept that is probably inaccessible to someone without a math degree, and much of this research happened well after my academic days so I cannot comment on a deep level, but I'm extremely skeptical of its attempted implementation in the current market, particularly when language models are at the core of it. From what I understand, an agentic system can exist entirely without LLM's and all the rube-goldberg machinations behind giving it the appearance of working. However, this is the course that every single tech company has gone all in on, so we'll see how it goes. I suspect that LLM's will be discarded in favor of something much better in the mid to far future, but the fact that no one can currently say what that is or even would look like is a little bit concerning to me when the large bets are being made that it will just happen inevitably in more near-future timelines.

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