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Could you distinguish code written by an AI from code written by a fake AI that is actually a human being?

Something/someone other writes the code, that's outsourcing.

I wouldn't consider myself an artist if I create a picture per midjourney.

Do you write binary code or use a compiler?

Do you design all the NAND gates in your processor to get the exact program you want out of it or use a general purpose processor?

Current "coding" is just a detail of what you want to do: solve problems. Which can require making a machine do what you want it to.

So your customer/employer is a coder too. They want solve a problem and use a tool: You.

A coder writes code in a programming language, that what distinguishes them from the customers who use natural language. The coder is the translator between the customer and the machine. If the machine does that, the machine is the coder.

Is your customer bringing you the solution to the problem or the problem and asking you to solve the problem? One is a translation activity and the other isn't.

Do you tell GPT how to write the code or just what the result should be?

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