Looks really awesome. I'm going to sound like I don't belong in the hipster terminal club, but the reason I shied away from some of the other terminals is the lack of tabs, which looks like yours has when I did a quick Google question/search. (if wezterm and the like have them, I must have missed it or it wasn't obviously apparent in the settings how to achieve them).
I know everyone will say but tmux and/or native multiplexing bla, but I'm kind of old school and only do screen remotely if needed, and I just like a lot of terminal tabs in my workflow with a quick mod left/right arrow to navigate between (and if native multiplexing in Ghostty is simple and easy I'd probably do some of that too).
Perhaps this is why I've never left iterm2.
WezTerm has emulated tabs, not OS-native tabs. Some people will find that to be enough to suit their needs. Others will want 'real tabs'.
For example, I can select a tab in Ghostty, pull it out into its own window, and then stick it into another window. This doesn't work in WezTerm, nor can you drag them around to rearrange them (keyboard shortcuts allow this however).
I'm honestly not sure what a OS native tab is supposed to be, on Linux. And I do not see why "emulated tabs" of WezTerm couldn't just do the actions that you describe. The Firefox tabs do after all, and they do not look like they are built according to some (GTK?) tab standard (GTK.Notebook?). I'm pretty sure that X11 does not have native tabs, while some window manager do. Is there a linux standard I'm just not aware of that you are referencing here?
Maybe it does not matter, the difference in functionality should count. Just highlighting that this messaging might not be understandable for linux users. I guess you are talking about some macOS thingie that's irrelevant to us.
I also use tmux, but I love the native tabs of Konsole in KDE. I have Shift-Arrow configured to move between them, it is far more comfortable than the dual shortcuts needed by tmux, Ctrl-B to call tmux's attention then l (if I remember correctly) to get to the last tab.
Konsole also has easy resizing of text and supports images in the console, you might like it.
I second this. I wouldn't have been able to make tmux such an integral part of my daily workflow if it weren't for this binding that I came across in someone's starter tmux conf many years ago.
jj or qq can also be used. As I once started with GNU Screen ages ago, I like prefix to ctrl+a but it interferes with going to front of command in bash mode. For that, I use vi keybind mode in my shell (fish or bash) which feel very natural to me. For zellij, I use default prefix so that it does not interfere with remote (yes I am aware remote requires double prefix; I prefer using tmux remotely and zellij locally).
How are you configuring jj without interfering with using the key regularly? I used to have jj bound to ESC in VIM, loved it, but I've since trimmed back my config as I SSH into to many foreign systems to depend upon nonstandard behaviour. But I'd love to have it in Tmux.
The obvious `set -g prefix jj` throws an error that the key j is a bad key. Various experimenting with bind and unbind have not resulted in success, and I can't seem to find an example .tmux.conf with that config to copy.
As a longtime KDE fan I've used Konsole for years and it is seriously underrated. However, after I discovered Kitty a few months ago, I fully converted and cannot be happier. You can also move between tabs using keyboard shortcuts as well as move the tabs themselves. What I like about Kitty more is its straightforward text file based approach for configuration and absence of any gui elements. Konsole's GUI and configuration menus are overwhelming and I think are in need of a deep redesign.
I agree with the philosophy of no tabs, but I simultaneously live in an intermediate desktop environment situation where I don't have access to the "right" solution yet. So I'm happy to have terminal emulator tabs, browser tabs and IDE tabs for lack of a more integrated solution.
Wezterm has tabs right out of the box and they are fully customizable, though I prefer tmux since I prefer to not have my data extinguished if I accidentally close the terminal :D
WezTerm shines in ease and breadth of configurability due to using lua, so it's simple to have the theme change between light/dark depending on host OS theme.
Interestingly there’s another comment ITT complaining that they need to use a programming language for configuring wezterm :)
As a wezterm user I’ll admit that configuring it was mildly annoying to start, but ended up feeling like an accomplishment. A few years in, it’s just another annoying program I have to re-remember how to use when i update twice a year.
I don't know Lua either but c'mon now. It's just some config. Copy and paste from the docs and tweak the values as needed. If you really want to write something funky in there, ChatGPT knows Lua. It's not that bad.
Yeah. I could get by with the default Linux terminal and tmux really. Tmux is just the best. Second to vim it’s the single most useful thing I’ve ever used.
I know everyone will say but tmux and/or native multiplexing bla, but I'm kind of old school and only do screen remotely if needed, and I just like a lot of terminal tabs in my workflow with a quick mod left/right arrow to navigate between (and if native multiplexing in Ghostty is simple and easy I'd probably do some of that too). Perhaps this is why I've never left iterm2.