Oh, I know. I looked for houses for years in various markets and was priced out of a couple (e.g. Asheville, NC). I ended up paying $80k over asking for a meh rundown house. The housing shortage and high prices are not the fault of sellers. If you were in my shoes, you'd hold onto the house too.
> no, i don't think i would. it sounds like we're different people.
What's the difference between holding onto an empty house and holding onto extra cash or investments/assets? Don't they both represent potential utility?
I would think that would mean that you also don't hold any non-discretionary assets (including savings/retirement accounts) because you want those resources to be available to others?
i can't sleep inside my extra cash or investments. shelter is a basic human need.
> I would think that would mean that you also don't hold any non-discretionary assets (including savings/retirement accounts) because you want those resources to be available to others?
why would this ever make sense based on what i said? this is a ridiculous conclusion, trying to make it seem like something that i never said. not to mention is just bad logic.
i guess since you have it figured out, will you please use your power to turn my cash into housing? i have cash and i need housing but it's been a struggle to find. sounds like you have a secret that could help me? thank you in advance!
We bought houses with money that we earned through hard work. Those were investments, no different than the stock market. And we'll never sell them, aka our prerogative.