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My goal is a non goal. Try to live in the present, enjoy leisure time, and stop stressing about always having to up-skill myself. As I near my 50s, I realise life is too short to always be working. It’s okay to take a break and just enjoy stuff guilt free.

Having said that I have allowed myself one time intensive hobby - to learn Japanese. I’ve memorised around 1000 kanji and my grammar is decent. My goal is to pass the N4 or N3 next year.

Living in the present, is a lost form of the dark arts.

That’s a worthy 2025 goal for me as well. Thanks for sharing!

Lol. I found instead of japanese u should other things.

Haha maybe, it's a bit contradictory to my first goal. I'm limiting myself to an hour a day at most of study right now. I might increase it (mostly w/ more immersion) but being mindful to not make it all time consuming.

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