We have akkurat, which is only an adjective, there is not really a Noun version. But in any case, we would not give it the same meaning shift as you have in English, at least how it's used in physics.
Learning German is hard in the beginning, because of the more challenging grammar and "Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitaensmuetzenfabrikantengattin" but then becomes easier, as there a lot less word plays and figures of speech. It's quite regular. English is easy to get into, but to master it, you have to know them all. And the random pronunciation, of course.
Ja, Bange is uncommon. Really only used in "Da wird mir Angst und Bange!". and "Bange machen". It is still amazing to me that "Giving up the ghost" is a figure of speech in both English and German.
Learning German is hard in the beginning, because of the more challenging grammar and "Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitaensmuetzenfabrikantengattin" but then becomes easier, as there a lot less word plays and figures of speech. It's quite regular. English is easy to get into, but to master it, you have to know them all. And the random pronunciation, of course.
Ja, Bange is uncommon. Really only used in "Da wird mir Angst und Bange!". and "Bange machen". It is still amazing to me that "Giving up the ghost" is a figure of speech in both English and German.