Likely yes. Every smart person is capable of being a good driver, so long as you give them enough training and incentive. Zero smart people are born being able to drive.
What about the archetype of the absent minded genius? I’ve met more several people who are shockingly intelligent but completely lose situational awareness on a regular basis.
And conversely, the world’s best drivers aren’t noted for being intellectual giants.
I don’t think driving skill and raw intelligence are that closely connected.
There are different kinds of smarts and not every smart person is good at all of them. Specifically, spacial reasoning is important for driving, and if a smart person is good at all kinds of thinking except that one, they're going to find it challenging to be a good driver.
Says the technical founder and CTO of our startup who exited with 9 figures and who also has a severe lazy eye: you don't want me driving. He got pulled over for suspected dui; totally clean, just can't drive straight