I can't trust that number if it comes from Waymo.com. I'd need to see it from an independant third party who has no interest having their finger on the scale
So not independent. And published as a white paper on Waymo's website. And only addresses the collaboration between Waymo and the insurance company, no mention of who funded the academics. Pretty sure if you dig deep enough, Swiss Re is somehow a Waymo investor.
I'd trust this more if Waymo had a direct pipeline to an anonymized public repository of their complete data set for independent analysis
I mean.. I get that for the Waymo guys. But the SwissRE ones? Seriously? Who _should_ do that evaluation? You will necessarily have Waymo co-authors. They have to provide the data. They are the only ones who have that..
Most of this data they publish to the Government for legal reasons. Sure they could lie to the Government, but ask Cruise how well that went.
Anecdotally, I see Waymos around town, and they are very clearly driving in a slower, safer, more cautious manner. a 92% reduction seems very plausible.