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I have a strong feeling that like many new things, poliamory is currently mostly/only getting get “positive marketing” narrative.

Basically: what’s being advertised is mostly the “happy path”. Everything goes well until it doesn’t, what then?

Relationships are hard. There are a number of ways things get messy (and/or toxic) with two individuals, somehow things should improve with more than two persons ?

I think it’s just the latest fad neurodivergent people push on each other.

I wonder if it's also easier for people who have less family relationships going on.

Me and my girlfriends are all distant from our families. If I regularly visited my parents and siblings and spent time with them, I'd have less time for romantic partners.

I wonder if there's a need for secure family-like relationships, and where the family of origin has failed, people are more likely to seek that feeling from romantic partners. "There is no form of incest greater than T4T"

this, tbh. to a large degree.

anecdotally, all those I know who practice poly, and name it as such, also say they have asperger's.

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