This has been around since 2011 at least, I remember playing this in the apple store at the mall when I was bored waiting for my parents. Cool to see it resurface on HN!
It'd be cool to see a 3D version of this that creates objects that you could print on a 3D printer.
I think there's something so memorizing and satisfying with this type of symmetry.
For real though, I had an amazing realization in the shower one time that I could implement 3D rotation without learning linear algebra (or god forbid quaternions) by just doing three 2D rotations. A few hours later I had a rotating monkey!
For those on mobile, either go on a desktop or change your user agent so you get to use the website instead of an ad for a $3 app.
Interesting strategy to make a cool free website with the potential to go viral, and then act like it's behind a paywall for only some part of the population. Is this common?
Software engineers who measure their income in multiples of median household income refusing to pay $3 for an app that has been entertaining people for over a decade now never ceases to surprise me.
Maybe if you're considering changing your user agent to play with this, you're interested enough to spend $3. I did about 5 years ago and still get enjoy that app.
Personally I would love a world were a tiny trickle of the revenue software developer generate would trickle down to people making cool things for fun. Who knows, if that happened we might have more developers out there doing thing other than trying to sell ads.
I refuse to use the web without adblock but most of the websites (or apps I use) are supported by ads. What do?
A few have a "pay to remove ads" option, but most do not, and the ones that do, I use infrequently enough that I can't justify the price. There seems to be no good solution for paying for the "long tail" of content and services.
Clay Shirky wrote an essay (I forget which one) on this subject like 20+ years ago, about how the main issue with micro transactions isn't even technical but it's the mental cost associated with each transaction.
I think this could be solved if the system were "set it and forget it" -- you give it a weekly budget and it just distributes it among the sites you spend the most time on.
Brave browser actually tried something very similar with their BAT (with their own ads instead of user provided funds), but it never caught on.
Looks like just apple devices. It runs fine for me on Chrome/Android and using a number of other agents I've tried. Amusingly, the "download on the app store" button with apple logo is present on the desktop version of the site as well.
This one has been popular for a decade IMO. I remember playing with it in college. To my mind this is the viral one and there are some additional knock offs.
Do you mean person ITT saying all? Whether it’s two people or a dozen people, if there are people ITT, using the same word, then they’re all using the word.