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Exactly my point, you have to opt-in, and in practice you only do precisely where it's actually necessary. Which is completely different than "every single type can be a [null | zero value]". You cannot possibly construct some type A (that is not Option<A> or A@nullable or whatever) without populating it correctly.

Of course you need some way to represent "absence of a value", the matter is how: simple but incorrect, or complex but correct. And, simple/complex here can mean both the language (so performance tradeoff), and (initial) programmer ergonomics.

That's why I ask if you can have your cake and eat it too, the answer is no. Or you'll get sick sooner than later, in this case.

> You cannot possibly construct some type A (that is not Option<A> or A@nullable or whatever) without populating it correctly.

Except you can. The language runtime is clearly doing it when it stores [None|Some(x)] inline in a fixed size struct.

There is no way to store None | Some(x) in sizeof(x) bytes, for simple information theory reasons. What you can do is store between 1 and 8 optional fields with only 1 byte of overhead, by using a single bit field to indicate which of the optional fields is set or not (since no commonly used processor supports bit-level addressing, storing 1 extra bit still needs an entire extra byte, so the other 7 bits in that byte are "free").

> There is no way to store None | Some(x) in sizeof(x) bytes

That's subtlety incorrect. Almost all languages with NULLs in fact already do this, including C. On my machine sizeof(void*)=8, and pointers can in fact express Some(x)|None. The cost of that None is neither a bit not a byte, it's a single value. A singular bit pattern.

See the None that you talk about is grafted on. It wraps the original without interfacing with it. It extends the state by saying "whatever the value this thing has, its invalid". That's super wasteful. Instead of adding a single state, you've exploded the state space exponentially (in the literal sense).

I should have made that caveat: if X doesn't need all of the bits that it has, then yes, you can do this. But there is no way to know that this is the case for a generic type parameter, you can only do this if you know the semantics of the specific type you are dealing with, like the language does for pointer types.

I should also point out that in languages which support both, Option(int*) is a valid construct, and Some(nullptr) is thus not the same thing as None. There could even be valid reasons for needing to do this, such as distinguishing between the JSON objects {} and {"abc": null}. So you can't even use knowledge of built-in types to special-case your generic Option implementation. Even Option(Option(bool)) should be able to represent at least 4 distinct states, not 3: None, Some(None), Some(Some(true)), Some(Some(false)).

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