Here's a geometric way of looking at it. I'll start with a summary, and then give a formal-ish description if that's more your jam.
The fundamental issue is physicists use the same symbol for the physical, measurable quantity, and the function relating it to other quantities. To be clear, that isn't a criticism: it's a notational necessity (there are too many quantities to assign distinct symbols for each function). But that makes the semantics muddled.
However, there is also a lack of clarity about the semantics of "quantities". I think it is best to think of quantities as functions over an underlying state space. Functional relationships _between_ the quantities can then be reconstructed from those quantities, subject to uniqueness conditions.
This gives a more natural interpretation for the derivatives. It highlights that an expression like S(U, N, V) doesn't imply S _is_ the function, just that it's associated to it, and that S as a quantity could be associated with other functions.
The state space S has the structure of a differential manifold, diffeomorphic to R^n [0].
A quantity -- what in thermodynamics we might call a "state variable" -- is a smooth real-valued function on S.
An diffeomorphism between S and R^n is a co-ordinate system. Its components form the co-ordinates. Intuitively, any collection of quantities X = (X_1, ..., X_n) which uniquely labels all points in S is a co-ordinate system, which is the same thing as saying that it's invertible. [1]
Given such a co-ordinate system, any quantity Y can naturally be associated with a function f_Y : R^n -> R, defined by f_Y(x_1, ..., x_n) := Y(X^-1(x_1, ..., x_n)). In other words, this is the co-ordinate representation of Y. In physics, we would usually write that, as an abuse of notation: Y = Y(X_1, ..., X_n).
This leads to the definition of the partial derivative holding some quantities constant: you map the "held constant" quantities and the quantity in the denominator to the appropriate co-ordinate system, then take the derivative of f_Y, giving you a function which can then be mapped back to a quantity.
In that process, you have to make sure that the held constant quantities and the denominator quantity form a co-ordinate system. A lot of thermodynamic functions are posited to obey monotonicity/convexity properties, and this is why. It might be also possible to find a more permissive definition that uses multi-valued functions, similar to how Riemann surfaces are used in complex analysis.
To do that we'd probably want to be a bit more general and allow for "partial co-ordinate systems", which might also be useful for cases involving composite systems. Any collection of quantities (Y, X_1, ..., X_n) can be naturally associated with a relation [2], where (y, x_1, ..., x_n) is in the relation if there exists a point s in S such that (Y(s), X_1(s), ..., X_n(s)) = (y, x_1, ..., x_n). You can promote that to a function if it satisfies a uniqueness condition.
I think it is also possible to give a metric (Riemannian) structure on the manifold in a way compatible with the Second Law. I remember skimming through some papers on the topic, but didn't look in enough detail.
[0] Or half of R^n, or a quadrant maybe.
[1] The "diffeomorphism" definition also adds the condition that the inverse be smooth.
[2] Incidentally, same sense of "relation" that leads to the "relational data model"!
The fundamental issue is physicists use the same symbol for the physical, measurable quantity, and the function relating it to other quantities. To be clear, that isn't a criticism: it's a notational necessity (there are too many quantities to assign distinct symbols for each function). But that makes the semantics muddled.
However, there is also a lack of clarity about the semantics of "quantities". I think it is best to think of quantities as functions over an underlying state space. Functional relationships _between_ the quantities can then be reconstructed from those quantities, subject to uniqueness conditions.
This gives a more natural interpretation for the derivatives. It highlights that an expression like S(U, N, V) doesn't imply S _is_ the function, just that it's associated to it, and that S as a quantity could be associated with other functions.
The state space S has the structure of a differential manifold, diffeomorphic to R^n [0].
A quantity -- what in thermodynamics we might call a "state variable" -- is a smooth real-valued function on S.
An diffeomorphism between S and R^n is a co-ordinate system. Its components form the co-ordinates. Intuitively, any collection of quantities X = (X_1, ..., X_n) which uniquely labels all points in S is a co-ordinate system, which is the same thing as saying that it's invertible. [1]
Given such a co-ordinate system, any quantity Y can naturally be associated with a function f_Y : R^n -> R, defined by f_Y(x_1, ..., x_n) := Y(X^-1(x_1, ..., x_n)). In other words, this is the co-ordinate representation of Y. In physics, we would usually write that, as an abuse of notation: Y = Y(X_1, ..., X_n).
This leads to the definition of the partial derivative holding some quantities constant: you map the "held constant" quantities and the quantity in the denominator to the appropriate co-ordinate system, then take the derivative of f_Y, giving you a function which can then be mapped back to a quantity.
In that process, you have to make sure that the held constant quantities and the denominator quantity form a co-ordinate system. A lot of thermodynamic functions are posited to obey monotonicity/convexity properties, and this is why. It might be also possible to find a more permissive definition that uses multi-valued functions, similar to how Riemann surfaces are used in complex analysis.
To do that we'd probably want to be a bit more general and allow for "partial co-ordinate systems", which might also be useful for cases involving composite systems. Any collection of quantities (Y, X_1, ..., X_n) can be naturally associated with a relation [2], where (y, x_1, ..., x_n) is in the relation if there exists a point s in S such that (Y(s), X_1(s), ..., X_n(s)) = (y, x_1, ..., x_n). You can promote that to a function if it satisfies a uniqueness condition.
I think it is also possible to give a metric (Riemannian) structure on the manifold in a way compatible with the Second Law. I remember skimming through some papers on the topic, but didn't look in enough detail.
[0] Or half of R^n, or a quadrant maybe.
[1] The "diffeomorphism" definition also adds the condition that the inverse be smooth.
[2] Incidentally, same sense of "relation" that leads to the "relational data model"!