"Free" (no cost to make the phone call) Internet access was widely available in the UK, on pretty much the same terms as the USA — pay £20/month for X minutes per month.
In addition, and popular for a while, was pay-per-minute access where the ISP didn't charge the customer directly, but took part of the phone call cost. I don't know if this method of payment to an ISP existed in the USA.
That far fewer (only 9%) of British households had Internet access was probably more related to the cost of the computer and modem, and the country generally having less wealth than the USA.
In addition, and popular for a while, was pay-per-minute access where the ISP didn't charge the customer directly, but took part of the phone call cost. I don't know if this method of payment to an ISP existed in the USA.
That far fewer (only 9%) of British households had Internet access was probably more related to the cost of the computer and modem, and the country generally having less wealth than the USA.