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> In a decade, man landing on the moon will be closer to the first flight by the Wright Brothers than it is to today.

That's not a technology issue, so much as a "there is no pressing need to spend the money on this anymore". At the peak of the moon race, NASA was getting 5% of US government spending. In modern terms, that would be like spending 340 billion per year; it's just a _tremendous_ amount of money.

(That said, both the US and China do plan to make manned landings on the moon in the next decade, though the timelines may be... optimistic, as neither is indulging in crazy space-race-esque spending on it.)

>340 billion per year; it's just a _tremendous_ amount of money.

As the US medical system shows, you can flush more than that down the toilet every month and still not get any results.

To get things done you need true believers.

It's hard to motivate true believers to build the 1e6th crud app.

This is why no one in mainstream tech is nerdy any more and why all projects are over budget and under performing.

Thank you for crystallizing something that's been swimming in my unconscious for a long time.

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