> I am gonna be completely honest, I am scared to express myself any longer on the Internet in any fashion. I don't trust it any longer. I don't trust the police, I don't trust the FBI, I don't trust the federal government, and I also don't trust, nor have faith, in the justice system in the United States.
I moved out of the country four years ago for this very reason. The rule of law is gone. It is unsafe to live there.
You must leave. The time is now. This is not a drill. You are not overreacting.
It's the textbook definition of ridiculous. The entire argument you just made is one big collection of fallacies.
I'm openly and viscerally critical of the government, politicians, etc etc etc on many social media outlets, phone calls, emails, other communications yet I have not been impacted in any way. I have not had any of my rights restricted, abridged, etc.
So either I'm the luckiest guy in the "police state", or you're overreacting.
No it's not a police-state where they are actively targeting dissidents.
It's a TSA-state where there is a massive over-reaction to bureaucratic automated scanning of communications.
Post some SMS/Tweet/facebook update with a quote that sounds to an automated script like a terrorist threat. (eg a line from Fightclub or a Clash lyric) and watch the reaction.
Even if the police bursting down your door manage to not accidentally shoot you - hopefully you are white and rich - expect to be dragged through the courts and have your life ruined because THEY can't be wrong.
So some automated system somewhere screws up on one person out of roughly 300 million, (approx 0.000000319% for those keeping score), and this justifies a flight from the country.
Allow me to be blunt. Your concerns are overstated.
I moved out of the country four years ago for this very reason. The rule of law is gone. It is unsafe to live there.
You must leave. The time is now. This is not a drill. You are not overreacting.
You must leave.