Don't know why this is grey. You will reach a point where you can't hold down a steady job anymore. Age comes for us all and the "old people" working as Walmart greeters
are younger than you're probably imagining.
Being old is expensive. You don't necessarily realize how many things you do that save money rely on being at least somewhat youthful and able bodied. And 1 million sounds like a lot but that is going to be in 2070 dollars and has to last you between 10 to 40 years.
I think you forget that a lot of those things are heavily discounted for people with senior citizen cards. Healthcare and public transportation get cheaper when you get older. (The bus is free here for people over 60). Even utility bills get cheaper with a seniors card.
I think you have a vision of old people as unhealthy and inactive, I can't think of any DIY that I do now that I would not be able to do well into my 80's.
I think the major thing is that you don't necessarily get to choose what happens to you as you age. My Fil is in his early 60s and can't walk across the room without becoming winded thanks to his heart getting messed up. My mother, also early 60s has through no fault of her own completely shot knees and her standing is limited to walking between places to sit.
Their respective spouses are doing great though so they're legitimately carrying the team.
Being old is expensive. You don't necessarily realize how many things you do that save money rely on being at least somewhat youthful and able bodied. And 1 million sounds like a lot but that is going to be in 2070 dollars and has to last you between 10 to 40 years.