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> that probably means a credible threat at least in abstract

When has this worked in practice to the benefit of those making the threats?

(Versus bargaining for more rights by dividing the elite.)

> Extreme military power has failed against motivated populations almost without exception in all asymmetrical scenarios this century

Internally? Each of China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, et cetera seem to be doing fine.

> end state on the current trend lines would be a catastrophic failure of our civilization

Sure. But a revolution just speed runs that. (And we aren't the only civilisation on the planet.)

> I’m not yet prepared to accept that as inevitable

It's not even probable. Going back to the original comment, Americans' standards of living have been rising across almost every class. On an income and wealth scale, a positive-sum game, almost every category of American is better off than before.

What's changed in the last 50 years is on the relative standard. And in the political domain, a zero-sum game, that's led to some issues. But nothing terminal, not even close--ordinary workers still swing elections.

I don’t care and neither should you what consumer electronics and other durable goods cost. That’s not even remotely standard of living.

Housing, energy, healthcare, education. All off the charts inaccessible relative to 60 years ago. The Boomers are the Worst. Generation. Ever. Full stop.

When the LAPD beat Rodney King half to death on camera and all of the officers wielding the batons were acquitted?

Los Angeles burned.

Detroit. Watts. Harvey Milk was assassinated for a reason.

I will always strongly prefer a negotiated settlement between classes of society.

But one guy self-immolation in Tunisia kicked off regime change in 11 countries.

I abhor violence but I make no difference between violence in person and violence by economic or policy proxy.

I grew up in San Diego, half the guys I grew up with are former JSOC and even angrier than I am. Private equity people operate at our pleasure if it really came to it.

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