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Common patterns of behaviour are:

1. Generalised nepotism: heads-of favouring their buddies / installing crony networks, hiring/promoting only people of certain races or ethnic backgrounds, influencing supplier relationships for their own benefit (controlled by their family / friends / network), etc.

2. Toxic personality / power / ego and the political games, bullying and power plays that go along with that (to the detriment of the organisation).

3. Dangerous levels of incompetence (from the perspective of their reports), when people who shouldn't be allowed to operate a stapler are put in charge of major business units. Often everyone is fine with this if they don't touch anything, it only becomes a problem when they are influenced to make sweeping changes.

Sometimes you get the whole package in 1 person. Of course, one person's nepotistic incompetent bully is another person's charming and shrewd nephew. Usually they got into their position through the strength of their network(s) so if you go at them you're likely to have a bad day.

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