I found your library a few weeks ago when I was annoyed by nothing like this being built into the standard library. It’s been a breeze to use so far.
A neat trick I found to gauge bottlenecks in pipelines is using Buffers between steps and running a goroutine that periodically prints `len(buffered)/cap(buffered)`
Thank you very much for the feedback.
I thought about something similar some time ago. Buffer of size one, then measure the average time each item spends in the buffer. But for debugging your approach is simpler and more practical.
I found your library a few weeks ago when I was annoyed by nothing like this being built into the standard library. It’s been a breeze to use so far.
A neat trick I found to gauge bottlenecks in pipelines is using Buffers between steps and running a goroutine that periodically prints `len(buffered)/cap(buffered)`