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[edited out the swipe]

Do-notation-like 'await' is not for calling functions, it is for acting on their return values - to suspend the execution flow until the task completes.

I've written patches for F#. I do know what the hell I'm talking about.

However, the compiler does not, has never, required that it does things via a different syntax. In fact, in the early branches before that was adopted, it didn't! The same behaviour was seen in those branches. This behaviour you expect, was never something that had to be. It was something chosen to simplify the needs of the optimiser, and in fact cut the size of code required in half. It was to reduce the amount of code needed to be maintained by the core team. And so 1087 [1] was accepted.

So perhaps you might need to read more into the process of the why and how async was introduced into C# and F#. It was a maintenance team problem. It was a pragmatic approach for them - not something that was the only way that this became a possibility.

As said, in the original branch for using tasks...

> Having two different but similar ways of creating asynchronous computations would add some cognitive overhead (even now there are times when I am indecisive between using async or mailbox for certain parallelism/concurrency scenarios). [0]

[0] https://github.com/fsharp/fslang-suggestions/issues/581

[1] https://github.com/fsharp/fslang-design/blob/main/FSharp-6.0...

Alright, I stand corrected.

However, this is where our opinions differ. I like task CE (and taskSeq for that matter too). It serves as a good and performant default. It's great to be able to choose the exact behavior of asynchronous code when task CE does not fit.

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