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It sounds like your reference is to ideas predicated on melting arctic ice, which is not happening. Everything I've read on co2 theories and models only predicts increased warming, never cooling, so since 1998 the climate reality seems to be diverging with increasing acceleration away from any predictions about co2. The solar scientists, on the other hand, have been predicting global cooling given the recent extreme lack of solar activity with very good accuracy: http://motls.blogspot.com/2007/01/peer-reviewed-global-cooli...


The part you misunderstood is that the mini-ice age doesn't come from cooling, but rather from a lack of convection currents -- it's a result of warming.

The same is true of extreme weather; we're getting raftloads of snow out here in the Pacific NW, and considerably colder than usual weather; although it's most certainly not proof, it is consistent with what the weather models predict are side effects of global warming: more extreme weather.

I read a few articles about scientist theories relating to solar activity and global cooling; it's interesting and a bit worrisome to think that we might be getting less heat from the sun, and yet warming anyway. :/

"...yet warming anyway"

Where is the warming right now? Any recent evidence?

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