my mom was taken into "adult protection custody" , for jwalking, this is happening now, and she is held in the hospital in bridgewater ns, on.the locked ward and has
now had her cell phone taken for obsessivly calling and trying to be released
she does have alzhiemrs but canadas constituion specifies that people are allowed to take there own risks
held incomunicado for her own saftey
I got banned from the hospital grounds for
"acting up", no threats or foul language
the only reason trump got voted in, is because you have to bring your own pen
to write in putin and nobody thought of that in time
If she's meandering through traffic and doesn't know where she is, that's absolutely a case for taking her in. If she got hit by a car you could just as easy blame the government for "inaction".
held incomunicado for her own saftey I got banned from the hospital grounds for "acting up", no threats or foul language
the only reason trump got voted in, is because you have to bring your own pen to write in putin and nobody thought of that in time