Lots of digital cameras use an incrementing number in the filename. If you ignore the prefix part, I wonder what is the most commonly uploaded filename number for photos and videos?
TFA, "Apple uses the ‘IMG_XXXX’ naming convention for all images and videos captured on iOS devices, where XXXX is a unique sequence number." isn't very accurate, as the numbers are not unique. They're just sequential. if you take 1001 images, the file system will actually create a new folder and roll the digits back to 0000 to avoid overwriting
Although as that link says, the prefix depends on the manufacturer. My Sony Mavica cameras have MVC_, newer Sony cameras are DSC0, my Fujifilm cameras have DSCF, I think IMG_ is pretty unique to Apple
You'd be thinking wrong. Canon cameras also use the IMG_ format. It's been a while since I've dealt with GoPros, but I'm pretty sure they are IMG_ as well.
While it's nice to hold onto what you know from experience, extrapolating that to end-all-be-all knowledge is just not a good stance. Especially in the light of information from people with wider breadth of information.
So even if some Canon cameras do use the format, that does not negate my comment. The EOS line of Cameras like the 1D, 5D, 7D, etc definitely do. I'm looking at content from them now. If they have changed that with their mirrorless line, that still does not invalidate my comment.
Thanks for fact-checking me on this. When writing this, I didn’t consider what would happen on the 10,000th image. I will add an asterisk on this line!