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GenMC: Model checking for concurrent C programs (mpi-sws.org)
61 points by todsacerdoti 58 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

From: https://github.com/MPI-SWS/genmc/blob/master/doc/manual.md

Basic Usage

A generic invocation of GenMC resembles the following:

genmc [OPTIONS] -- [CFLAGS] <file>


Note that, in order for GenMC to be able to verify it, file needs to meet two requirements: finiteness and data-determinism. Finiteness means that all tests need to have finite traces, i.e., no infinite loops (these need to be bounded; see Section 2.3). Data-determinism means that the code under test should be data-deterministic, i.e., not perform actions like calling rand(), performing actions based on user input or the clock, etc. In other words, all non-determinism should originate either from the scheduler or the underlying (weak) memory model.

As long as these requirements as satisfied, GenMC will detect safety errors, races on non-atomic variables, as well as some memory errors (e.g., double-free error). Users can provide safety specifications for their programs by using assert() statements.


I wonder how much this affects usefulness. How often is this the case?

It's always a compromise.

Part of the exercise, whether it be making an existing codebase amenable to verification, or standing up a new one designed for it from scratch, is to identify, contain, and comprehend sources of entropy within the system.

At test time, you explore (as much as possible) the state space by replacing these components with data-deterministic mocks. On a run-to-run basis you can then vary the characteristics of the data they return; either with a set of derived known-edgy values, or by fuzzing, or a variety of the two.

This sounds daunting, and for a pre-existing codebase it can be a lot of work, but the upside is very often a substantial improvement in the robustness of and achievable confidence in the implementation.

In a proper testing environment, you should be using a deterministic seeded PRNG, simulated user input, and a simulated/fake clock.

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