I was surprised saalty.com wasn't taken. It sounds so damn cute. I just bought it on impulse because my heart melts at the drop of a hat for some dumb reason.
Now I have to draw something cute to put there, like a little deer licking a salt cube.
That reminds me: I need to do a "salt lick" t-shirt at some point. My condition is a salt wasting condition. People like me supposedly taste saltier than other people. I have joked to friends that when I am well enough to get a sex life again, I should do a quiet little survey and ask a few men if, in fact, I taste saltier than usual. Still toying with how to make the t-shirt not too nasty, on the theory that a kid might want one.
I've done quite a lot more than simply eat more salt. However, no one really cares. And I'm just a tad more stressed than usual tonight. My health site is listed in my profile if you are curious.
I'm already disappointed. I went to saalty.com and there was no deer. Iterate faster! MVP this sucker and get it launched! Get that deer into the cloud! And be sure to count the salt licks with a nosql store.
I was surprised saalty.com wasn't taken. It sounds so damn cute. I just bought it on impulse because my heart melts at the drop of a hat for some dumb reason.
Now I have to draw something cute to put there, like a little deer licking a salt cube.