The studies show the percentage of spreadsheets with errors in. Unless you have a reason to suspect this is not independent of the number of spreadsheets, I'm not sure what your point is?
> Now think of 100 pieces of software that you are confident are 100% error free?
Because software is either buggy or not buggy? And measurements like "defect rate" (e.g. defects/kloc) and "bug severity" do not exist? Come on.
Unless your software is formally verified how would you know?
I have to say my experience as a user has been that all software is buggy to some extent. Anyone who has worked in software for a reasonable amount of time will have found a bug in their own code that apparently worked fine, but actually was not quite right.
Would anybody on hn stand up and say that they never had a bug?
Now think of 100 pieces of software that you are confident are 100% error free?