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Security by obscurity works, it works, no matter how hard people regurgitate the bs that it's not working.

The contexts of security by obscurity is usually in regards to data that would attract people who would specifically target you for being a mark that will make them a lot of money rather than opportunistically target you because you are an easy mark that will make them a quick & easy profit of unknown value.

If someone wants to rob you - a door lock isn't going to stop them. Likewise if someone wants to pwn you - a little obfuscation isn't going to stop them.

Security by obscurity only works in the case that you aren't known to be worth the effort to target specifically and so nobody bothers. Much like very few people bother to beat my CTF. I'm sure if I offered a $1,000 reward for beating it the number would increase tenfold because it is suddenly worth the effort to spend a bit of time attacking. But as it stands with no monetary incentive the vast majority (>99%) give up after a few days.

Yeah, but how will an attacker know to target you if they don't even know you have anything valuable, and you are flying under the radar, hm?

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