Sqlite isn't necessarily easier to backup than a filesystem. I've got a fairly large (~60GB) sqlite that I'm somewhat eager to get off of. If I'd stuck with pure filesystem then backing up only the changeset would be trivial, but with sqlite I have to store a new copy of the database.
I've tried various solutions like litestream and even xdelta3 (which generates patches in excess of the actual changeset size), but I haven't found a solution I'm confident in other than backing up complete snapshots.
Yeah that looks ideal for this exact problem, because it lets you stream a snapshot backup of a SQLite over SSH without needing to first create a duplicate copy using .backup or vacuum. My notes here: https://til.simonwillison.net/sqlite/compile-sqlite3-rsync
Maybe that tool just doesn't fit my use-case, but I'm not sure how you'd use it to do incremental backups? I store all of my backups in S3 Glacier for the cheap storage, so there's nothing for me to rsync onto.
I can see how you'd use it for replication though.
Aha, so not much need. I've always avoided SQLite for larger databases due to the extra space needed to allow compaction, maybe not a real problem in most applications though.
I've tried various solutions like litestream and even xdelta3 (which generates patches in excess of the actual changeset size), but I haven't found a solution I'm confident in other than backing up complete snapshots.