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All this championing Javascript as a single language for front and back end work, now to be split for different use cases. Hopefully this is how Javascript dies if that is the route Google pushes it.

There is already too much exhaustion around switching frameworks and paradigms in the JS world, but I guess everyone likes getting jerked around by corpos and evangelists these days.

I’m really tired of this discourse. The JavaScript ecosystem is the lingua franca of the web. Furthermore, while a segment of the programming community has sat around complaining, JavaScript has gotten really good and continues to improve every passing year. Incremental progress is the key to making progress, not giant paradigm shifts.

Well drink a cup of java because it’s not going away.

We’ve run React for almost a decade now and the only major parts we’ve swapped have been react build with Vite. Angular has been even more stable since the switch to TS. As far as the frontend frameworks themselves changing massively, that’s a different story, but it’s not like C# didn’t go from Windows .Net to Core/Framework to cross platform .Net, and so on for different language frameworks.

On the Backend there are very few issues, outside of FFI only being in unstable for Deno I suppose, but you could frankly be running the same old Express API you did a decade ago and be perfectly fine.

If you’re burnt out on changes and keeping up with things I think the issue is mostly a “you” issue. You don’t have to chase down the latest hypes or fads. In fact I think you almost never should.

I’m not chasing down hypes and fads, the new product person who wants to make a splash by rewriting the core app does.

This is an incredibly disingenuous response. You maybe like the world this way. It doesn’t mean there isn’t room for change or improvement away from Javascript.

> There is already too much exhaustion around switching frameworks and paradigms in the JS world

What's wrong with VanillaJS?

> What's wrong with VanillaJS? Absolutely nothing, we all love it, and we also love things built upon that foundation, like TypeScript. But it's optional, and that's a good thing that some people miss to recognize. Therefore, they seek more standardization that 'should be enforced' by your Big Brand's top used product (ie. browser).

My point is that "framework fatigue" is a self-inflicted problem. Nobody forces you to use flavor of the week, VanillaJS and bog standard HTML/CSS are always there for you.

Work in a publicly traded company where people are moving things around for promotions sake. Then you’ll see how forced you are to use the latest flavor of the week. People absolutely do force you.

It’s not just the flavor of the week frameworks, it’s libraries and best practices. Want to work with dates? Do you use moment? Nope that’s deprecated, what do you use? Which moment successor? How do you write react? Classes or functions? You can’t use hooks with classes, so you better update to functions. On and on you run into a decision tree because of the shifting target of javascript. It causes a lot of churn to be migrating and updating to new systems, especially when the new hire can’t help because they don’t understand prototypal inheritance.

> Work in a publicly traded company where people are moving things around for promotions sake. Then you’ll see how forced you are to use the latest flavor of the week. People absolutely do force you.

I can tell you such stories about any language, it’s not unique to JS. Welcome to working with people.

Do not sit there and tell me Javascript hasn’t absolutely proliferated across the stack and that these problems don’t surface more. Just because ANYONE can introduce ANY framework of ANY language doesn’t meant that Javascript hasn’t championed a lot of those issues. You’re handwaving away my points for no good reason.

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